This kit is an 8-bit, general purpose, accumulator-memory type computer processor implemented with TTL (transistor-transistor logic) integrated circuits. It is the same system detailed in the 8-bit processor project pages, available as a kit. The kit includes three circuit boards, for the ALU, control logic and main boards, with a complete set of sockets for the ICs, and all the ICs and other components. Also included is a set of standoffs to make a three-board stack, and a pre-programmed EPROM with a system monitor program. For details, please look at the 8-bit processor kit instructions. Also, please see the 8-bit processor videos page.
The processor has a bus structure similar to the Z80 microprocessor, and can replace the Z80 in the CPUville Original and Single-board computer kits. The system monitor EPROM can be used with either the CPUville Original kit with a serial interface, or the Single-board Z80 computers kit when acting as the system board for the 8-bit processor. This video shows the Original and Single-board computers acting as the system board for the 8-bit processor.
As mentioned in the instructions, the schematics are too large to be printed on ordinary-sized paper. Here are the full-resolution schematics:
ALU schematic